This manual is provided for the convenience of BCBSND participating providers. BCBSND makes no representations or warranties with respect to the content of this manual. Neither this manual nor any statement in it constitutes a contract, policy, promise or obligation on the part of BCBSND. This is not a legally binding document. If information within this manual conflicts with your contractual Participation Agreement or a member’s benefit plan, the Participation Agreement or benefit plan information should be used.
BCBSND reserves the total and complete discretion to revise this manual without obligation to notify any person of such revisions or changes. BCBSND further reserves the discretion to amend any contract, policy, benefit plan or process referenced in this publication without updating this publication.
Updates to any part of this manual or to any policy or procedure referenced in this manual may be made by BCBSND at any time. BCBSND may give notice of such updates in a variety of ways, including but not limited to issuance of a letter to providers, publication in HealthCare News newsletter or other publications of BCBSND, password protected website for BCBSND's participating providers, or posting to the BCBSND website,
Nothing in this manual shall be interpreted as a guarantee of coverage of any service, treatment, drug or supply. Coverage or noncoverage is always governed exclusively by the terms of the member’s benefit plan. Accordingly, in case of any question or doubt about coverage, providers should contact Provider Service at 800-368-2312 or 800-548-4026 for members of the Federal Employee Program (FEP).
Unless otherwise indicated, all references in this manual to “company” refer to Blue Cross Blue Shield of North Dakota.