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To get the most current in-network provider information related to your plan, it is recommended to log in to the member portal for the most accurate information.
You can also find a doctor in our general provider directory below.
Browse the general provider directory.
A new choice for primary care, available with select plans. See if you're eligible.
See a doctor 24/7 online from the comfort of your home.
Preventive check-ups and care will keep your eyes and teeth healthy.
Do you have a BlueCare, BlueDirect, BluePartner or BlueEssential health plan?
Choosing the right doctor or facility is important when it comes to specialty care. That’s why Blue Cross and Blue Shield companies created a national recognition program—Blue Distinction Specialty Care. The program recognizes treatment expertise (Blue Distinction® Center) as well as quality care matched with affordability (Blue Distinction® Center+) across eleven specialty areas:
*Blue Distinction Center designation only.
Find a Doctor and see Blue Distinction®Centers highlighted, or search for them directly: Find a Blue Distinction®Center
Please call the toll free Member Services phone number listed on the back of your ID card for independent (non-hospital based) clinical laboratory services, Durable Medical Equipment and supplies, or specialty pharmacy services. These services must be filed in specific states based on Blue Cross Blue Shield Association guidelines, which vary depending upon where a member receives services, where the member lives, where the laboratory or other facility is located, and other criteria.
Members who do not contact BCBSND before seeking these services may incur significantly higher costs. BCBSND may provide minimal reimbursement for some covered services, depending upon the situation.
Air ambulance services are typically used when ground ambulance transport is not appropriate or available. Services from an air ambulance provider that does not have a participation agreement with a Blue Cross Blue Shield plan, may result in significantly higher costs.
North Dakota Participating Air Ambulance Providers:
Please note, other states' Blue plans may partner with local air ambulances.
For more information, please call 1-800-368-2312.