Intern Spotlight: Sage Tremaine

: BCBSND graphic design intern, Sage Tremaine (second from the right) volunteering at nonprofit, Hope Blooms, with other BCBSND interns.

BCBSND graphic design intern, Sage Tremaine (second from the right) volunteering at nonprofit, Hope Blooms, with other BCBSND interns.

In this employee spotlight, we feature Blue Cross Blue Shield of North Dakota (BCBSND) intern Sage Tremaine.

What brought her to Blue
After just graduating college with a degree in graphic design, Sage was looking for an internship that would help her take the next step forward in her career. She recognized BCBSND since her dad has had insurance through Blue Cross Blue Shield for as long as she can remember.

“I was actually excited about interning because it was going to be a more professional experience, especially after getting used to college classes and projects,” said Sage.

The skills she brings to Blue
Not only does Sage bring a friendly face, but she is well-equipped with skills in graphic design applications like InDesign Illustrator, Photoshop, After Effects and Premiere. She also has a minor in art and applies her art skills through sketching and drawing. 

A typical day at Blue
For her internship, Sage has a hybrid schedule of working remotely on Monday and Friday and in the office Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. 

She starts her day by checking her emails, joining a morning team meeting and organizing her day with the internal project management application. From there, she gets started on her assigned projects, attends any meetings for the day and then takes a lunch break. 

“I usually hit up the cafeteria because they have really good food there. Then, it's back to my projects.  If I have any questions, I just message my mentor. I occasionally have some meetings throughout the day, but I’m mostly working on graphic design projects,” shared Sage.

What Sage likes best about #LifeAtNDBlue
Besides her admiration of the mysterious architecture of the building, Sage enjoys the work culture at Blue saying, “It's so much different than any other place I've worked at before because there’s really an emphasis on work-life balance. I like how leaders acknowledge that we have other stuff going on outside of work. I’ve noticed that people get to experience their lives, like taking PTO or going to appointments without having to worry about finding someone to fill their shift.”

What she hopes to take away from Blue
As Sage’s first experience of working as a professional graphic designer, she hopes to take away the full experience that she gets at Blue, like learning about project flow and collaborating with different kinds of coworkers.  

“I’m looking forward to learning how everyone’s work intertwines and hopefully applying that to whatever I end up doing in the future,” said Sage.

What will you bring to Blue? 
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