FARGO- Blue Cross Blue Shield of North Dakota Caring Foundation continues to build on efforts to support health and well-being throughout North Dakota. As evidence continues to grow showing that where we live and what services and supports are available have a significant impact on our health, the Caring Foundation will be investing additional resources at the community level in 2021 to strengthen opportunities to build collaboratives that invest locally to enhance healthy lifestyles, address service gaps and promote health equities.
The BCBSND Caring Foundation will provide a limited number of one-year grants annually of up to $50,000 to North Dakota communities and organizations undertaking efforts to support health and community-based wellness and prevention. With the addition of these CaringforCommunities SPARK (Strengthening People, Access, Resources and Knowledge) Grants, the goal is to enhance collaborative efforts and community involvement that results in long-lasting change.
Pam Gulleson, Caring Foundation Executive Director states, “Our goal with these grants is to invest in community-based initiatives that will support access and opportunity leading to improved habits and healthier lifestyle, strengthen capacity for effective collaborations and to expand efforts by local communities to improve health equity and access.”
For grants to be considered the project must support initiatives that encourage health and well-being within North Dakota communities, be sustainable, a priority in the community, exhibit collaboration with stakeholders in the community, and align with evidence based, best practices and principles.
Those interested in applying for a grant must first submit a Letter of Intent Form by 5 p.m. on Feb. 15 to be considered for their spring funding cycle or 5 p.m. on Aug. 15 to be considered for their fall funding cycle. Eligible organizations must be North Dakota based 501(c)(3) nonprofits, municipal entities (i.e. park boards, public health), or school systems in order to submit a Letter of Intent. All Letter of Intents must be electronically submitted to caringfoundation@bcbsnd.com.
For more information visit www.ndcaring.org or send any questions to caringfoundation@bcbsnd.com.
About the Blue Cross Blue Shield of North Dakota (BCBSND) Caring Foundation
Established in 1989, the BCBSND Caring Foundation (www.BCBSND.com/Caring-Foundation) is a private 501(c)(3) charitable organization. Through giving and investing, the Caring Foundation focuses on key health issues that help improve the health and well-being of North Dakotans and their communities. Caring Foundation staff work with grantees to support nonprofit sustainability, collaborate on shared outcomes and create lasting change.