Welcome to BCBSND. We use this site to share information and interact with our members and others. We want to hear from you and encourage comments, questions and suggestions. We ask that you stay on topic, respect other people's opinions, and avoid profanity, offensive statements, illegal content and anything else that might otherwise violate our standard terms and conditions.
Please be polite and respectful in your interactions. Keep in mind that we reserve the right to remove any comments and ban any users we feel are not in keeping with these guidelines.
It is never safe to post any private information such as your member ID number online. We will never ask you to provide or verify personal, policy or member account information via social media, digital or email channels. If you get such a request, it is most likely fraudulent.
Here are some helpful tips to protect your identity while engaging with us on social media and digital spaces:
- Never share any of your specific member ID or account details.
- Do not make service requests through social media or digital channels.
If you have a major issue and need immediate assistance, it is always best to contact Member Services directly.
There are certain topics we won't be able or willing to talk about online, and some of your discussions may need to be redirected or curtailed for the same reason.
Our social media content and interactions will be consistent with our vision, which is to be North Dakota's undisputed leader in enhancing health, security and well-being of our members and communities, and our mission to deliver affordable solutions to improve the care and health of those we serve.