• September 28, 2017

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Worksite Wellness Summit equips employers to implement effective wellness programs

The 8th Annual Worksite Wellness Summit, sponsored by Blue Cross Blue Shield of North Dakota and the North Dakota Department of Health.

  • The event is open to anyone interested in creating a healthy workplace environment.
  • The fee is $85 per person
  • Registration is open online at BCBSND.com/Summit

Tuesday, October 3, 2017, from 8 a.m. until 2 p.m.

Fargo Holiday Inn

Building a worksite wellness movement across North Dakota is part of BCBSND's focus on transforming the care and health of North Dakotans. Because workers spend many of the waking hours at work, wellness programs can make a significant difference in the health of employees. 

Improving worksite wellness can reduce costs for all consumers since many health conditions seen in North Dakota employees are preventable with just small lifestyle changes.

  • Unhealthy habits cost North Dakotans $550 million annually in medical expenditures. Add the costs of lost productivity and health insurance increases and the total cost of unhealthy behaviors at work increases dramatically. 
  • Implementing a worksite wellness program at any size office or workplace can decrease absenteeism, improve productivity and reduce health care costs.

The format will feature the two keynote speakers in the morning, networking and a vendor fair over lunch, then speaker-led workshops in the afternoon:

Michelle Segar, PhD, MPH

  • Author of critically acclaimed "No Sweat: How the Simple Science of Motivation Can Bring You a Lifetime of Fitness"
  • Director of the Sport, Health and Activity Research and Policy (SHARP) Center at the University of Michigan

Harnessing the Right Whys: An Easy Science-Based Method for Driving Both Sustainable Behavior Change and Thriving Organizations

Real Strategies to Overcome the Core Barrier to Sustainable Self-Care

David Hunnicutt, PhD

  • One of the nation's most sought-after experts in helping business and health leaders live happier, healthier and more productive lives
  • Audiences include the United Nations, Kaiser Permanente, General Motors, Notre Dame University, the National Institutes of Health, the CDC and the Department of the Navy
  • Quoted in the Wall Street Journal, MSNBC, Bloomberg Business Week, CBS News, the Boston Globe and Reuters

SHINE! The New Science of Igniting Organizational Performance and Fueling Individual Engagement

Vision Quest: A Hands-On Approach To Creating A Breathtaking Vision For Your Wellness Program

BCBSND wellness consultants are coordinating onsite flu shots for attendees. 

The Step-by-Step Guide for initiating a Worksite Wellness Program and the Program Toolkit as well as other tools for employers are available on the BCBSND website. https://www.bcbsnd.com/web/employers/worksite-wellness-programs/training-events/summit