Help employees live a meaningful life by sharing Learn to Live’s new Resilience program

African American man giving a thumbs up

Improving coping skills can make your employees stronger, happier and more capable of dealing with challenges. To help individuals establish tools and strategies to build optimism and strength, Learn to Live has launched “Resilience.” The program’s eight lessons address gratitude, optimism, relationship building, finding passion and building healthy habits.

To enroll in the program at no cost, employees can visit, enter code BLUEND and complete the five-minute clinical assessment.

Here is a sample video from the program.

The Learn to Live online mental health resource is free for all BCBSND members, and there are some helpful webinars happening in January. Share these with your organization and remind them about the importance of mental and emotional health:

January Webinars (with Zoom links):

Reminder: Learn to Live now uses the same code as all our enterprise programs: BLUEND