Why worksite wellness

Improve the health of your employees. Improve your bottom line.

There's good news amidst the dismal reports on the state of American health and its cost to employers. When you create a culture of wellness in your workplace, you may notice that:

  • Employee productivity rises
  • Absenteeism drops
  • Morale improves
  • Medical costs decrease
  • You become an employer of choice


Increasing health care costs, rising obesity rates, poor nutrition habits and decreasing physical activity levels are costing employers a bundle.

The costs to your organization

  • At least 50% of an organization's health care costs are driven by modifiable lifestyle-related behaviors such as smoking, poor diet and lack of exercise
  • Estimated costs associated with lifestyle risk factors incurred by employees with risk factors including smoking, poor diet, high blood pressure and obesity:
    • No Risks - $3,094
    • 1 Risk - $4,415
    • 2 Risks - $5,286
    • 3 Risks - $6,275
    • 4 Risks - $7,405

The costs to North Dakota

  • More than 67% of our residents are overweight or obese
  • Nearly 75% do not get regular daily exercise

Reverse the trends with a worksite wellness program. We'll help you get started.

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