The deadline for fully insured groups to have Blue Cross Blue Shield of North Dakota fulfill the Prescription Drug Data Collection (RxDC) reporting mandate has been extended from March 29 to April 5.
As part of the Prescription Drug Data Collection (RxDC) mandate, annual reporting of specific prescription drug spending and medical cost data is required annually to the Department of Health and Human Services, Labor and Treasury Departments. Reporting is required on June 1 of the calendar year immediately following the reference year. For example, reporting for 2023 will be required by June 1, 2024.
BCBSND will submit reports to CMS on behalf of employers, both fully insured and self-funded.
To submit this information on behalf of employers, BCBSND may be requesting information from you.
- If you are a self-funded employer, a BCBSND representative will reach out to you.
- Fully insured groups, please submit the RxDC reporting form to your BCBSND representative by April 5. If you offer more than one plan, please submit a completed form for each plan.
If you offer more than one plan, please submit a completed form for each plan. If no information is provided to BCBSND, the employer will be responsible to submit it directly to CMS by June 1. You can find more information about RxDC reporting on the CMS website.