Member identification (ID) cards contain important membership and coverage information to help you correctly verify benefits and route your claims. Be sure to verify eligibility and benefits prior to rendering care.
Member identification (ID) cards contain important membership and coverage information to help you correctly verify benefits and route your claims. Be sure to verify eligibility and benefits prior to rendering care.
Information displayed on cards may vary by plan type, but they all have similar information. Below is a quick reference guide on where to find pertinent details for a member.
Plan logo
Subscriber's name
Unique Member Identification (UMI) ID number
Depending upon plan type, this section may include:
Plan network name and PCP, if applicable, e.g., Medicaid Expansion
Cost Share information
BlueCard program identifier
An empty suitcase icon:
What it means
Member has out-of-area coverage that is not a PPO product. Because there are different benefit plans represented by the empty suitcase logo, always verify eligibility and benefits.
A suitcase icon with PPO inside:
Member has PPO (Preferred Provider Organization), or EPO (Exclusive Provider Organization) benefits available for medical services received in or outside the U.S.
A suitcase icon with BlueHPN inside:
EPO Members with access to the Blue High-Performance Network
A suitcase with PPO B inside:
The member has access to a PPO network, referred to as BlueCard PPO Basic.
No suitcase
Cards for governmental programs such as Medicaid or Medicaid Expansion may not have a suitcase. Government determined reimbursement levels would apply to these types of products.
* The suitcase logo is not required on ID cards for members who do not have benefits outside of their Home Plan’s service area. Always verify the members Eligibility and Benefits prior to rendering services.
The back of the member ID card includes contact information for members, as well as instructions and an address for filing claims and sending correspondence.
As noted above, cards may vary by plan type, here are a few additional examples for reference.
Commercial ID card example
Medicaid Expansion ID card example
NextBlue of North Dakota ID card example
BCBSND plan(s) administered by Highmark
For questions, call:
BCBSND Provider Service - 800-368-2312
BCBSND Medicaid Expansion Provider Service - 833-777-5779
Federal Employee Program (FEP) - 800-548-4026
NextBlue of North Dakota - 844-753-8039
BlueCard Eligibility line - 800-676-2583