File medical claims (EDI)
Fast, efficient and secure electronic claims filing through Availity Essentials. Learn more about electronic filing.
Dental and vision claims
Get information to file claims with our dental and vision partners in the Provider Manual.
Payment Integrity Program
BCBSND has enhanced our core claims processing with the Payment Integrity Program. The program will enhance current capabilities to ensure payments are correct, assigned to the right payer and consistent with national standards and guidelines.
Claims processing forms
Claims taxonomy information for Medicaid Expansion
Include taxonomy codes, the 10-character codes that designate provider classification and specialization, when submitting claims for North Dakota Medicaid Expansion.
Learn more from the State of North Dakota and the US Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services.
Reconsiderations and appeals
Get requirements for appealing and Adverse Benefit Determination.
Network referrals
See which plans require referrals for seeing providers outside the network and view the process guidelines.