Reminder PA Checkpoint Tool Integration within Availity Essentials Going Live April 20 2024

We are reminding providers that we are on track for phase two of the precertification tool PA Checkpoint implementation into Availity Essentials going live Tuesday, April 20, 2024, after 8 a.m. (Central Time).  

We have updated the current step-by-step Predictal resource guide to help you navigate this change. The PA Checkpoint tool will also remain on our Prior Authorization Provider Resource webpage. We highly recommend using the tool within Availity Essentials.

As a reminder this will not impact or change the NextBlue of North Dakota Medicare Advantage plan or the Federal Employee (FEP) lines of business process for prior authorizations.

If you have any questions regarding this change, contact      

For questions related to Availity Essentials registration or administrator functions, contact Availity Essentials Client Services at 1-800-282-4548.