Practitioner Credentialing Application


Completing this credentialing application and receiving notification of your approved application is required before claims can be submitted.

To protect your privacy, this form will timeout after 15 minutes of inactivity. There is no ability to save your progress, so we suggest gathering the information outlined in the left navigation to have on hand as you are completing the form and to allow a minimum of 15 minutes to complete it.

Complete all sections that are applicable to you. Include all additional information requested. Fields that include an asterisk (*) indicate that a response is required. All other fields will be considered not applicable if left blank.

To go back to a previous section, use the previous link on the bottom of the page or by clicking the section in the left navigation. Any data you have entered will remain on page. Do not use your browser back button to go to a previous form section, doing so will result in the loss of all form data entered.

If you have any questions, please call 800-756-2749 or send an email to

  Information you will need

  Malpractice/liability insurance certificate

  Facesheet which includes covered entity's name

  All license/certification details ready such as license number, DEA number, etc. 

Verification of Group Participation Agreement

Personal Information

BCBSND may use the information captured here for application follow-up. 

*Required fields

Please enter a valid Date.

General Information

Professional IDs

IMPORTANT: DEA registration should match the state in which you work. Provide all current and previous license/certifications.

*Required Fields

Please enter a valid Date.
Please enter a valid Date.

Other ID Numbers

Note: Medicaid Expansion providers must be enrolled with Medicaid. 

Education and Training

Provide the information for the school that issued your highest degree. Graduation date is also required. Fifth Pathway information is needed for non-U.S./Canadian graduates. 

*Required fields

Highest Degree Achieved 

Please enter a valid Date.
Please enter a valid Date.

Training History

Include up to three postgraduate training programs you attended. Please explain any postgraduate training gaps of three months or greater in the Work History section. Residency institution and completion date required for MD or DO degree.

If none, check 'N/A'.

Work History

Include a chronological work history for your last three previous employers over the past five years. If graduation date was less than five years ago, any work history from the date forward is sufficient. If there are any gaps in your work history, please explain in the space provided.

*Required fields

Current Practice Location and Specialty Information

TIP: Your Individual Tax ID is assumed to be your primary Tax ID unless you specify otherwise.

*Required fields

Please enter a valid Date.
Please enter a valid Date.
Please enter a valid Date.
Please enter a valid Date.

Practice Information

Additional Practice Information

List additional locations that use SAME TAX ID as listed above that you wish to have listed in BCBSND's provider directory (only listed if you select 'Yes' to 'Display in Directory'). If more space is needed, include additional documentation as an attachment.

Additional Directory Location

If Tax ID is different from location listed in previous Section 

TIP: List additional practice location for directory. If more space is needed, include additional documentation as an attachment.

*Required fields

Admitting Privileges

List all current hospitals/institutions for which you have admitting privileges. If none, check 'N/A'.

*Required fields

Disclosure Questions

Answer all questions. If a question does not apply, answer 'No'. Provide a detailed explanation for any 'Yes' answers to the questions below. Attach additional documentation if necessary. 

*Required fields

Disclosure Question Details

Attach supporting documentation if necessary.

Max size for upload is 15MB. Acceptable file formats include: .pdf and image files.

    Behavioral Health Providers Capability/Services

    Please check all capabilities in which you are certified or have received specific or on-going training. These may or my not be covered benefits.

    Supporting Documentation

    Professional Liability/Malpractice Insurance Carrier

    Attach a current copy of malpractice/liability insurance certificate which includes the following: practitioner name, policy name, policy number, coverage dates, coverage amounts. Credentialling application cannot be processed without this attachment.*

    Max size for upload is 15MB. Acceptable file formats include: .pdf and image files.


      Attach other relevant documents to support the credentialing review. Consider attaching:

      • Certification
      • Licenses
      • Documents to attest to any of the disclosure questions requiring additional details

      Max size for upload is 15MB. Acceptable file formats include: .pdf and image files.


        Consent to the inspection of records and documents release of information and liability certification/attestation 

        I hereby authorize BLUE CROSS BLUE SHIELD OF NORTH DAKOTA (BCBSND), its professional staff and legal representatives, to contact and consult with administrators and members of the professional staff of any treatment facility, institution, professional society, school, employer, law enforcement agency, or practice with which I have been associated, for the purpose of evaluating my professional competence, character, criminal history and ethical conduct. In addition, I consent to the inspection of all records and documents, including health records at other treatment facilities that may be material for evaluation of my professional qualifications by BCBSND, its professional staff and legal representatives. I release from liability all individuals or organizations for acts performed in good faith and without malice honestly initiated and in response to the inquiries authorized for use by BCBSND. I consent to the use of an electronic signature and understand that by typing my name in the signature space or (print name*) space in the Consent section of this application, I am affixing my electronic signature which has the same legal effect and enforceability as my handwritten signature. I agree that a photocopy of this authorization may be accepted with the same authority as the original. 

        I certify and attest to the fact that all of the information I have submitted in this application is complete, true and accurate to the best of my knowledge and belief.

        Credentialing Contact Information

        Credentialing Correspondence

        Almost done! Review your information.

        Review each section below to view your entries and edit if necessary.

        Print this page for your records before submitting the application.