Coding and Reimbursement Policies Update

Applies to both Commercial and Medicaid Expansion

Blue Cross Blue Shield of North Dakota (BCBSND) continually develops and revises coding and reimbursement policies and resources in response to rapidly changing medical technology and updates to the coding sets. Our commitment is to update the provider community as coding and reimbursement policies and guidelines are added, adopted and/or revised.   

The following coding and reimbursement policies were revised:

  • Correct Coding Policy - Commercial and Correct Coding Policy - Medicaid Expansion
    • Clarification was added regarding multiple services performed by the same practitioner or by multiple practitioners within the (same specialty) in the same group practice performed on the same date of service with the same patient. Prior guidance was moved to the Evaluation and Management (E/M) policy; however, reference is being added back to this policy for clarity.

Contact the appropriate Customer Service Provider Center: Commercial: 1-800-368-2312 or Medicaid Expansion: 1-833-777-5779.