The AposTherapy System consists of a pair of shoe-like uppers with two convex units (Pertupods) on the sole of each device, a screw fixation mechanism for securely attaching the Pertupod to the track and, if required, soft spacers, weight discs, hard spacers, and wedge spacers. Separately marketed and commercially available off-the-shelf (OTS) gait analysis software is used by practitioners to inform their calibration of the biomechanical device. Based on a preliminary evaluation of pain, function, and activities of daily life, a personalized therapy program is created to meet the individual’s treatment needs using the personally calibrated device to help relieve pressure and pain from symptomatic joint and improve control of the muscular system and function. This is achieved by challenging the individual in a barely perceptible manner through the creation of micro-instability.
Practitioners use basic, OTS gait analysis software to collect measurements from various movements (e.g., velocity, step length, single limb support) as part of the treatment program. The individual’s progress is assessed periodically; the device is then further adjusted, and the therapy program updated as needed to achieve the predefined goals.