Coverage is subject to the specific terms of the member's benefit plan.
The use of cerliponase alfa (Brineura) may be considered medically necessary when
of the following criteria are met:
The individual must be between three (3) and eight (8) years of age;
The member must meet FDA-approved label for use (e.g., use outside of studied population will be considered investigational);
Cerliponase alfa (Brineura) must be prescribed by, or in consult with, a metabolic specialist, geneticist, or pediatric neurologist;
Documentation of the diagnosis must be submitted, as evidenced by the following:
Molecular analysis that has detected two pathogenic variants/mutations in the TPP1/CLN2 gene;
An enzyme assay confirming deficiency of tripeptidyl peptidase 1 (TPP1);
The individual must not have ventriculoperitoneal shunts;
Baseline results of motor and language domains of the Hamburg CLN2 Clinical Rating Scale must be submitted and meet the following parameters:
Results must show a combined score of less than six (6) in the motor and language domains;
- Results must show a score of at least one (1) in each of these domains.
Initial Authorization: Six (6) months
Reauthorization Criteria
Continuation of therapy with cerliponase alfa (Brineura) may be considered medically necessary when
of the following are met:
The individual must not have acute, unresolved localized infection on or around the device insertion site or suspected or confirmed CNS infection;
The individual maintains at a score of at least one (1) in the motor domain on the Hamburg CLN2 Clinical Rating Scale;
- The individual has responded to therapy compared to pretreatment baseline with stability/lack of decline* in motor function/milestones.
*Decline is defined as having an unreversed (sustained) 2-category decline or an unreversed score of 0 in the Motor domain of the CLN2 Clinical Rating Scale
Cerliponase alfa (Brineura) for all other indications not listed in this policy is considered experimental/investigational and therefore non-covered because the safety and/or effectiveness cannot be established by the available published peer-reviewed literature.
Procedure Code