Coverage is subject to the specific terms of the member's benefit plan.
The use of idursulfase (Elaprase) may be considered medically necessary when ALL of the following criteria are met:
- The individual must meet FDA-approved label for use (e.g., use outside of studied population will be considered investigational); and
- Documentation of the member’s diagnosis must be submitted, as evidenced by the following:
- Deficiency in iduronate-2sulfatase (I2S) enzyme activity in white cells, fibroblasts, or plasma in the presence of normal activity of at least one other sulfatase; or
- Genetic testing confirming pathogenic mutations in the IDS gene; and
- The individual's age must be five (5) years of age or older; and
- Idursulfase (Elaprase) must be prescribed by, or in consult with, an expert in lysosomal storage diseases; and
- The individual does not have severe cognitive or neurologic impairment (e.g., inability to swallow); and
- Documentation of one of the following must be submitted:
- The Forced Vital Capacity (FVC) via Pulmonary Function Test; or
- Urinary glycosaminoglycan (uGAG) levels are elevated defined by laboratory reference range; or
- Six (6) -minute walk test (6MWT); or
- Hepatomegaly (liver size 1.25 or more times normal); or
- Splenomegaly (spleen size five (5) or more times normal).
Initial Authorization: Six (6) months
Reauthorization Criteria
Continuation of therapy with idursulfase (Elaprase) may be considered medically necessary when ALL of the following are met:
- Documentation must be submitted confirming improvement of one of the following:
- The Forced Vital Capacity (FVC) via Pulmonary Function Test relative improvement of 10% over baseline; or
- Urinary glycosaminoglycan (uGAG) levels normalization defined by laboratory reference range; or
- Six (6) -minute walk test (6MWT) increase; or
- Reduction in liver volume to normal size or by 10%; or
- Reduction in spleen volume by 15%.
The use of idursulfase (Elaprase) for all other indications not listed in this policy is considered experimental/investigational and therefore non-covered because the safety and/or effectiveness cannot be established by the available published peer-reviewed literature.
Procedure Codes