Manual Wheelchairs (WCs) (rigid or folding, standard or specialized) are devices used to assist adults and children in the mobility-related activities of daily living (MRADLs),
Power mobility devices (PMDs)
Power wheelchairs (PWCs) and power-operated vehicles (POVs, scooters) are collectively referred to as PMDs. They are used to assist individuals in their MRADLs in the home. The groupings included throughout this policy refer to the commonly used industry definitions as defined by Medicare.
Mobility-assistive equipment (MAE) are necessary devices used to assist adults and children in the MRADLs. MAE includes, but is not limited to: manual WCs, rolling chairs, PWCs, and POVs.
Options and accessories for WCs and mobility devices are any adaptive equipment that is necessary if the individual has a WC, PMD or MAE and the option/accessory for the device.