HEDIS® Tip Sheet

Blood Pressure Control for Patients with Hypertension (CBP-ECDS)

Line of business: Applies to the Commercial and Medicaid lines of business.

*This measure is currently not part of the BlueAlliance or BlueAlliance Care+ programs.

Measure Description

Percentage of Members 18-85 years of age who have been diagnosed with hypertension, whose blood pressure (BP) had been within controlled range (<140/90 mm HG) during the measurement year.  

Members must meet either of the following criteria:

  • Members must have at least two outpatient visits, telephone visits, or e-visits on different dates of service with a diagnosis of hypertension on or between January 1st of the year prior to the measurement period and June 30th of the measurement period.
  • Members must have at least one outpatient visit, telephone visit or e-visit with a diagnosis of hypertension and at least one dispensed antihypertensive medication on or between January 1st of the year prior to the measurement period and June 30th of the measurement period. 

Compliant Blood Pressure:

The most recent BP reading taking during the measurement year is used to determine compliance.

  • Members are compliant if the BP is <140/90 mm Hg.

If multiple BPs are taken on the same day, use the last BP on that date. 

Blood Pressures that are excluded:

  • Taken in an acute inpatient setting or during an emergency department visit.
  • Documentation of BP ranges and thresholds do not meet criteria. There needs to be a distinct value for both the systolic and diastolic.  
  • Blood pressure readings that are incomplete or missing are excluded.
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  • Member is not compliant if their BP is ≥ 140/90 mm Hg, if there is no BP reading during the measurement year, or if the BP reading is incomplete.
  • Data for screening may come from supplemental data sources or CPT Category II codes.
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Best Practices

  • Prepare charts prior to appointments each day verifying last BP reading.
  • Document systolic and diastolic BP reading at each visit.
  • Educate patients on the importance of BP control.
  • Encourage lifestyle changes such as diet, exercise, smoking cessation, and stress reduction.
  • Educate patients on taking their own blood pressure.
  • Take it twice.  Readings ≥ 140/90 mm Hg should be retaken later in the visit.
  • Ensure the proper BP cuff size is used.
  • Schedule follow-up visits for blood pressure control or medication adjustments.  If unable to control blood pressure, consider Cardiology referral.
  • For patients on blood pressure medication, discuss the importance of medication adherence.
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  • Members with end-stage renal disease (ESRD) or with a procedure that indicates ESRD (dialysis, nephrectomy, or kidney transplant) any time during the member’s history.
  • Members with a diagnosis of pregnancy any time during the measurement year. 
  • Members in hospice during the measurement year.
  • Members who died during the measurement year.
  • Member receiving palliative care during the measurement year.
  • Members 66 – 80 years of age as of December 31 of the measurement year with frailty and advanced illness.  Members must meet BOTH the frailty and advanced illness criteria to be excluded:
    • At least two indicators of frailty with different dates of service during the measurement period. 
    • Any of the following during the measurement year or the year prior to the measurement year:
      • Advanced illness on at least two different dates of services.
      • A dispensed dementia medication.
  • Members 81 years and older of age as of the last day of the measurement period with at least two indications of frailty with different dates of service during the measurement period.
  • Members with a nonacute inpatient admission during the measurement period.

Blood Pressure CPT® Category II Codes: 

Coding Disclaimer

The analysis of any medical coding question related to a measure is dependent on the measure’s technical specifications including the factual situations present related to the member, the practice, the professionals, and the medical services provided.


Should you have specific coding or other questions related to the measure, please send your questions to BlueAlliance@bcbsnd.com.

NCQA Copyright Notice and Disclaimer
The HEDIS® measures and specifications were developed by and are owned by NCQA. The HEDIS measures and specifications are not clinical guidelines and do not establish a standard of medical care. NCQA makes no representations, warranties, or endorsement about the quality of any organization or physician that uses or reports performance measures and NCQA has no liability to anyone who relies on such measures and specifications. NCQA holds a copyright in these materials and can rescind or alter these materials at any time. These materials may not be modified by anyone other than NCQA. Use of the Rules for Allowable Adjustments of HEDIS to make permitted adjustments of the materials does not constitute a modification. Any commercial use and/or internal or external reproduction, distribution and publication must be approved by NCQA and are subject to a license at the discretion of NCQA. Any use of the materials to identify records or calculate measure results, for example, requires a custom license and may necessitate certification pursuant to NCQA’s Measure Certification Program. Reprinted with permission by NCQA. © [2025] NCQA, all rights reserved.

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