A normal blood pressure helps your organs get the nourishing blood they need to help you thrive. Learn what you can do.
A normal blood pressure helps your organs get the nourishing blood they need to help you thrive. Learn what you can do.
Blood pressure is what helps your blood travel from your heart throughout your body.
When it’s too high—your heart is forced to work overtime to push the blood through your arteries and deliver it to your organs. Taxing your heart day after day, year after year can have disastrous results like heart disease, debilitating stroke or even death.
When it’s too low—your blood flow gets sluggish and your organs don’t get the oxygen they need. That can result in dizziness, falls, and potentially brain and heart damage.
When it’s just right—your organs get all the blood they need without unduly taxing your heart.
120 over 80 (120/80) or less.
The top number = systolic pressure shows how hard the blood pushes when the heart is pumping.
The bottom number = diastolic pressure indicates how hard the blood pushes between heartbeats, when the heart is relaxed and filling with blood.
That’s the problem—there aren’t usually symptoms, which is how high blood pressure earned a reputation as the silent killer. Most people don’t know their blood pressure is elevated until they go to the doctor for other reasons.
A one-time elevated blood pressure isn’t necessarily cause for concern. However, over time, sustained high blood pressure leads to stroke, heart attack or kidney damage—even death. If your blood pressure is consistently above 120/80, you and your doctor should create a treatment plan.
Very high blood pressure (above 180/120) will cause severe headache, potential vision problems and elevated heart rate—signs of a potential stroke or heart attack. It should be treated as a medical emergency.
Blood pressure risk factors are partially determined by your genes, but many are related to lifestyle. The following strategies will help you manage the things you can control.