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Medicare Supplement plan L offers basic coverage, but includes some cost sharing. For example, you pay 25% of the cost for several benefits, such as your Medicare Part A deductible or Medicare Part B coinsurance and copayments. Medicare Supplement Plan L, however, has an out of pocket limit after you pay your Medicare Part B deductible. Once you have paid your out-of-pocket limit, your supplement pays 100% of required coverage for the remainder of the calendar year.
*Estimated Premium Costs
*The application you submit to Blue Cross Blue Shield of North Dakota, along with other information we may collect, is how we determine your eligibility for coverage and rates in effect at the time coverage is issued.
When and if a policy for you is approved, the actual rates may vary from the rates on this page, based on your specific application and additional information required by BCBSND to complete the application process. BCBSND reserves the right to change rates from time to time.